Monday 28 January 2013

Character Assignment Fashion Illustration Task

After collecting a range of images from artists and illustrations that inspire are character design we were asked to create pieces of clothing our character could wear taking inspiration from our images and the past creature assignment. Artists and illustrators I looked at included Arthur Rackham who was the original illustrator for the Peter Pan book and Dan Hillier who combines classic Victorian women with animal like features. I also took inspiration from creatures in mythology like the Jorogumo which in Japanese mythology was a giant spider who could disguise as a seductive woman. I enjoyed this task immensely and concentrated on combining insects with a vintage style as I wanted to reflect both of these in my final character design.

On the far left I took inspiration from a spider and wanted to create an arachnid regal design so I let webs hang from all around it and had her fringe styled so it looked like spider legs with the high bun at the back to represent the body of the spider I also think the frame of a Victorian dress reflected that well too.

The one next to it I took inspiration more from the moths we had looked at in the creatures assignment and tried to the raggedy but defined shapes of a moth while using the antennae to create a headpiece.

The one in the middle I took inspiration from butterflies and I  wanted to create a more burlesque style as butterflies are beautiful creatures and I thought reflected as human beings they would be more desirable and wanted to reflect that in the design with flowing cloths and a bustier that kind of reflects the wings of a butterfly

Then next to it I attempted another arachnid design but this time I made the spider legs almost as a reversed dress frame with it being on the outside then having a sleek flowing dress in the center. This didn't reflect the overall regal like quality I desired. It gives a much mysterious appearance .

The last one on at the top right I attempted to take inspiration from dragonflies who have armored bodies which I tried to reflect through the bustier then flowing down is the semi translucent wings which reflect the wings but an opaque underskirt would be worn underneath.

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